Koltai, Tamás PhD

Publications |
- Production and operations management
- Organization of Production
- Engineering economy
- Applied operations research
Research fields
- Cost analysis of production and service systems
- Sensitivity analysis of the results of quantitative management decision making models
- Assembly line balancing with workforce skill constraints
- The application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) for the evaluation of business simulation games
- Sensitivity analysis of data envelopment analysis (DEA) results
Significant Fellowships and Honors
- Visiting Professor (Professor Visitante) at the Department of Industrial Organization, Engineering Faculty, Seville University, 1990-1992
- Visiting Scholar at the Department of Production Management and Strategy, The University of Michigan Business School, Ann Arbor, 1998-1999)
- Adjunct Lecturer, International Manager Center, 1989-1998
- Széchenyi Professorship, 1999-2003
- "Best Paper Award" for the paper presented at Ninth European Meeting on Cybernetics and System Research (1988, Wien) in the section titled Management and Cybernetics of Organization
- Faculty Researcer Award (senior category), Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, 2010
- Memorial Medal, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, 2016
- English (C1)
- Spanish (B2)
- Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2016, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Dr. habil, 2000, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- PhD in Industrial Engineering, 1987, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Technical University of Budapest
- MSc in Mechanical Engineering, 1983, Technical University of Budapest, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering